eCommerce Consulting Services

Navigating eCommerce complexities? ValueCoders’ eCommerce consulting services help you make informed decisions and maximize ROI. Our experienced team offers customized solutions using Magento, WooCommerce, and Shopify. Streamline your eCommerce operations and achieve your goals.

Our eCommerce Consulting Services

We believe everyone who uses an online shopping website deserves high-quality customer service and a seamless shopping experience. Our dedicated eCommerce outsourcing consulting team works with you to create an exclusive eCommerce solution.

eCommerce Strategy Consulting Service

We review your business IT strategy, existing resources, technologies, and other key aspects for the digital transformation of your business.

Service Areas:

  • Assess current business process
  • Assign maturity ratings of apps
  • Generate process analysis reports

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eCommerce Consulting Company

ValueCoders has an expert team of app designers, programmers, and testers offering innovative features alongside high-quality support and maintenance services at affordable costs.

From startups to enterprises, product companies to digital agencies, and SMEs to governments, we cater to them all for their diverse technology requirements. Our utmost effort allows us to lead the market of top software companies.

  • India's Top 1% Software Talent
  • Trusted by Startups to Fortune 500
  • Idea to Deployment, We Handle All
  • Time-Zone Friendly: Global Presence
  • Top-tier Data Security Protocols
  • On-time Delivery, No Surprises
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Awards & Certifications -

From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development

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User Guide to Understand eCommerce Consulting

Creating an Effective eCommerce Strategy

Developing a successful eCommerce strategy is crucial for sustained growth and profitability.

It involves understanding your target audience, defining your unique value proposition, and setting clear business goals. You can identify opportunities and tailor your strategy by conducting market research and competitor analysis.

Determine your product range, pricing, and branding strategy to differentiate yourself. Define your marketing channels, promotional tactics, and customer acquisition strategies.

Additionally, establish a solid infrastructure for order management, inventory control, and customer support. Regularly review and refine your strategy based on market trends and customer feedback to stay ahead of the competition.

To better understand the eCommerce strategies, you can read our popular blog post covering a comprehensive guide to launching eCommerce.

Optimizing User Experience (UX)

Providing a seamless and enjoyable user experience is paramount in driving conversions and customer satisfaction. Optimize your website’s design and navigation to make it intuitive and user-friendly.

Ensure that product information is clear, concise, and easy to find. Streamline the checkout process and offer convenient payment options. Implement responsive design to cater to mobile users.

Conduct usability testing and analyze user behavior to identify pain points and make necessary improvements.

Enhancing load times and minimizing page errors is crucial to retaining visitors. Regularly solicit user feedback and iterate on the design to improve the user experience.

Implementing Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Techniques

Conversion rate optimization focuses on maximizing the percentage of website visitors who complete desired actions, such as purchasing. Start by analyzing your website’s conversion funnel to identify areas of improvement.

Optimize product pages by incorporating compelling visuals, persuasive copy, and clear calls to action. Simplify the checkout process by reducing the number of steps and eliminating unnecessary form fields. Leverage social proof, customer reviews, and trust badges to build credibility and boost conversions.

Utilize A/B testing to compare different variations and identify high-performing elements. Monitor and analyze key metrics to uncover conversion bottlenecks and implement data-driven optimizations.

Leveraging Social Media for eCommerce Success

Social media platforms offer immense opportunities for eCommerce businesses to engage with their target audience, build brand awareness, and drive traffic to their website. Identify the social media channels most relevant to your target market and create compelling profiles.

Develop a content strategy that resonates with your audience, including engaging visuals, informative blog posts, and interactive videos. Actively engage with your followers, respond to comments and messages, and cultivate community. Utilize targeted advertising campaigns to reach new customers and promote your products.

Leverage influencer marketing by partnering with influencers who align with your brand values. Monitor social media analytics to gauge performance, identify trends, and refine your strategy.

Email Marketing & Customer Retention

Email marketing is a powerful tool for nurturing customer relationships, driving repeat purchases, and increasing customer loyalty. Build an email subscriber list by offering incentives such as exclusive discounts or content.

Segment your email list based on customer preferences, purchase history, or engagement level to deliver personalized and relevant content. Create engaging and visually appealing email campaigns highlighting new products, promotions, or helpful information.

Utilize automation tools to send targeted emails based on specific triggers, such as abandoned carts or post-purchase follow-ups. Measure the performance of your email campaigns through open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Continuously optimize your email strategy based on insights gained from testing and customer feedback.

Inventory Management and Fulfillment Strategies

Efficient inventory management and fulfillment strategies ensure smooth operations and customer satisfaction. Implement an inventory management system that tracks stock levels, enables real-time updates, and alerts when to restock.

Regularly analyze sales data to forecast demand and optimize inventory levels to minimize overstocking or stockouts. Consider utilizing dropshipping or third-party logistics providers to streamline order fulfillment and reduce shipping times.

Optimize your warehouse layout and fulfillment processes to minimize picking and packing errors. Provide customers with order tracking and timely delivery updates to enhance transparency and trust.

Continuously evaluate and refine your inventory management and fulfillment strategies to meet changing customer expectations and business needs.

Mobile Commerce (m-commerce) Optimization

Optimizing your eCommerce site for mobile devices is crucial with the rise of mobile usage. Adopt a responsive web design that adjusts seamlessly to different screen sizes and resolutions. Optimize page load times by compressing images and minimizing code.

Simplify navigation and streamline the checkout process for smaller screens. Implement mobile-friendly payment options, such as mobile wallets or one-click checkout. Leverage push notifications and SMS marketing to engage mobile users and drive conversions. Utilize mobile-specific advertising formats, such as in-app ads or mobile search ads.

Regularly test your website’s mobile experience on different devices and platforms to ensure optimal performance and user satisfaction.

Analytics and Performance Tracking

Data-driven decision-making is essential for optimizing your eCommerce strategy and tracking your performance. Set up web analytics tools like Google Analytics to monitor key metrics, including traffic sources, conversion rates, and revenue.

Utilize tracking pixels and UTM parameters to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. Implement event tracking to monitor specific actions, such as clicks on CTAs or form submissions.

Utilize heatmaps and user recordings to gain insights into user behavior and identify areas of improvement. Analyze customer journey data to understand the conversion funnel and identify potential drop-off points.

Regularly review your analytics data, generate reports, and extract actionable insights to refine your eCommerce strategy and improve performance.

Choose From Our Hiring Models

With us, you can choose from multiple hiring models that best suit your needs

Valuecoders Valuecoders

Dedicated Team

(also known as product engineering teams)

It is an expert autonomous team comprising of different roles (e.g. project manager, software engineers, QA engineers, and other roles) capable of delivering technology solutions rapidly and efficiently. The roles are defined for each specific project and management is conducted jointly by a Scrum Master and the client's product owner.

  • Agile processes
  • Transparent pricing
  • Monthly billing
  • Maximum flexibility
  • Suitable for startups, MVPs and software/product companies
Valuecoders Valuecoders

Team Augmentation

(also known as team extension or staff augmentation)

Suitable for every scale of business and project, team augmentation helps add required talent to you team to fill the talent gap. The augmented team members work as part of your local or distributed team, attending your regular daily meetings and reporting directly to your managers. This helps businesses scale immediately and on-demand.

  • Scale on-demand
  • Quick & cost-effective
  • Monthly billing
  • Avoid hiring hassles
  • Transparent pricing
Valuecoders Valuecoders

Project Based

(best suited for small-mid scale projects)
Fixed Price Model:

When project specifications, scope, deliverables and acceptance criteria are clearly defined, we can evaluate and offer a fixed quote for the project. This is mostly suitable for small-mid scale projects with well documented specifications.

Time & Material Model:

Suitable for projects that have undefined or dynamic scope requirements or complicated business requirements due to which the cost estimation is not possible. Therefore, developers can be hired per their time.


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Here are a few common questions our clients ask:

Q. What sets ValueCoders' eCommerce consulting services apart from others in the market?

Ans. ValueCoders’ eCommerce consulting services set themselves apart by combining their experience and expertise, offering a customized approach tailored to each client’s needs, providing comprehensive services covering various areas of eCommerce, employing data-driven decision making, focusing on long-term success, adopting a client-centric approach, and showcasing a proven track record of delivering successful outcomes.

Q. How can ValueCoders help me choose the right eCommerce platform for my business?

Ans. ValueCoders has a team of experienced consultants who can assess your business requirements, budget, scalability needs, and other factors to recommend the most suitable eCommerce platform. They consider factors like ease of use, customization options, integrations, security, and scalability to ensure you make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals.

Q. How can I get started with ValueCoders' eCommerce consulting service?

Ans. To get started with ValueCoders’ eCommerce consulting service, you can contact their team through their website or contact them directly. They will schedule an initial consultation to understand your business goals, challenges, and requirements. Based on this assessment, they will propose a tailored consulting plan to address your specific needs and help you achieve eCommerce success.

Q. What industries does ValueCoders specialize in for eCommerce consulting?

Ans. ValueCoders has experience working across various industries, including but not limited to retail, fashion, electronics, consumer goods, healthcare, and B2B eCommerce. Their consultants can adapt their expertise to cater to your industry’s specific requirements and dynamics, ensuring tailored solutions that drive results.

Q. Can ValueCoders assist with integrating third-party tools and services with my eCommerce platform?

Ans. Absolutely! ValueCoders’ consultants have experience in integrating various third-party tools and services with eCommerce platforms. Whether it’s payment gateways, CRM systems, inventory management solutions, or marketing automation tools, they can guide you through the integration process and help you select the most suitable options for your business needs.

What Our Clients Have to Say About Us

We are grateful for our clients’ trust in us, and we take great pride in delivering quality solutions that exceed their expectations. Here is what some of them have to say about us:

Working with ValueCoders has been a rewarding experience. Their software solutions are a perfect blend of innovation and functionality.

James Kelly

Co-founder, Miracle Choice

ValueCoders provided us with a robust and scalable software solution. Their team's proficiency is commendable.

Judith Mueller

Executive Director, Mueller Health Foundation

ValueCoders delivered a software solution that perfectly aligns with our business needs. They've been instrumental in our project's success.

Kris Bruynson

Director, Storloft

ValueCoders' commitment to delivering high-quality software solutions has made them our go-to partner for all our software needs.

Mohammed Mirza


Working with ValueCoders has been a rewarding experience. Their team's expertise is impressive.



ValueCoders' innovative approach to software engineering has significantly improved our business operations.

Jame Thompson

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