Electronic Health Records (EHR) Systems

Our Electronic Health Records (EHR) Development Solutions

We deliver top-tier Electronic Health Records (EHR) Development Solutions, empowering healthcare providers with cutting-edge technology for seamless patient care.


Epic Integration

Connects healthcare providers to real-time patient health data from EPIC EHR, streamlining access to history, medication details, contacts, and appointments. We offers EPIC integration with mobile access to patient records.

Allscripts EMR Integration

Enhances access to medical records and supports informed decision-making through seamless Allscripts EHR integration. We provides easy connection of existing systems to Allscripts EHR.

HL7 Integration

Streamlines electronic health data exchange between healthcare providers and systems. Addresses the disconnect in healthcare communication and data sharing.

Epic EHR System

Integrates Epic software with existing healthcare systems for secure patient data sharing across the care continuum. We offer custom APIs and client IDs for seamless integration.

Epic Consulting

Our Epic consulting services aid hospitals and clinics in integrating Epic medical solutions into existing systems. Tailored APIs ensure secure connectivity and electronic data exchange.

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Our Electronic Health Records (EHR) Development Services

Explore the comprehensive array of Electronic Health Records (EHR) Development Services, each meticulously designed to enhance healthcare efficiency and patient outcomes.

EHR/EMR Consulting

We assist in software selection, essential functionality tailoring, and oversee implementation, integration, or migration. Plus, we'll upgrade your current EHR system for modern efficiency and compliance.

Custom EHR Development

Unlock the benefits of custom EHR systems. Our team focuses on relevant functions, seamless integrations, and user-centric designs, delivering value without a hefty price tag.

EHR Integration

Secure and smooth data transitions between electronic health record systems and other platforms. Our consultants pinpoint the ideal integration strategy tailored to your IT needs, be it API, middleware, or unified access.

EHR Implementation

Simplify EHR implementation with us. Using proven workflows, we minimize challenges, accelerate adoption, and ensure seamless integration into your healthcare IT environment.

Benefits of Our Electronic Health Records (EHR) Development

Discover the exceptional advantages of Our Electronic Health Records (EHR) Development, designed to revolutionize healthcare operations and elevate patient care.

Enhanced Interoperability

Simplify data exchange with patients, providers, payers, health registries, and healthcare organizations effortlessly. Our custom EHR software system development ensures seamless connectivity and collaboration.

Electronic Prescribing

Access and manage patient data for accurate medication prescriptions, minimizing conflicts and assessing the effectiveness of past treatments. Our electronic medical records solutions enable precise prescription management.

Electronic Faxing

Effortlessly edit, annotate, import, and send faxes, reducing paper usage and streamlining communication. Our medical EHR software solutions include efficient electronic faxing capabilities.

E & M Coding

Adhere to EHR evaluation and management documentation standards for precise coding, aiding healthcare payers in an accurate reimbursement. Our solutions facilitate efficient E & M coding compliance.

Meaningful Use Certification

Meet meaningful use goals quickly by utilizing innovative reporting tools and personalized guidance. Our custom EHR software development ensures smooth attestation for meaningful use certification.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Empower healthcare providers with instant access to comprehensive patient histories, analytics, and trends. Our EHR systems foster informed, data-driven clinical decisions, enhancing both care quality and outcomes.

We are India’s Top

EHR Development Services Company

From startups to large enterprises, product companies to digital agencies, and SMEs to governments, we cater to a wide range of technology needs with our custom EHR software development solutions. As a prominent provider of EHR software development services, our commitment sets us apart in healthcare technology solutions.

  • Experienced software developers
  • Cost-effective solutions
  • IP-rights protection
  • Flexible engagement options
  • Smooth communication
  • CMMI level3 company
  • Valuecoders
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  • Valuecoders
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  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
  • Valuecoders
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Awards & Certifications -

From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development


From startups to big enterprises, development

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User Guide To Understand EHR Development

Explain EHR Software and its Importance

An Electronic Health Record (EHR) system is a digitalized platform that facilitates the secure storage, management, and exchange of patient health information across various healthcare providers, facilities, and platforms. It encompasses comprehensive patient data, including medical history, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, and test results.


The significance of EHR systems lies in their ability to enhance patient care, improve medical workflows, and promote informed decision-making by enabling real-time access to accurate and up-to-date patient information. They streamline communication among healthcare professionals, reduce paperwork, minimize errors, support data analysis for better outcomes, and contribute to healthcare services’ overall efficiency and quality.

Benefits of EHR system

  • Enhanced Patient Care: EHR systems provide quick access to comprehensive patient data, enabling healthcare professionals to make informed decisions and deliver personalized care.
  • Efficient Workflow: EHRs streamline administrative tasks, reducing paperwork and automating processes, which frees medical staff to focus more on patient care.
  • Reduced Errors: Electronic records minimize errors related to illegible handwriting or misplaced documents, leading to safer and more accurate patient treatment.
  • Interoperability: EHRs facilitate seamless data exchange among different healthcare providers, ensuring continuity of care and better coordination.
  • Data Accuracy: EHRs maintain accurate and up-to-date patient information, reducing the risk of errors resulting from outdated or inconsistent data.
  • Remote Access: Healthcare professionals can access patient records remotely, allowing for timely decision-making even outside the healthcare facility.
  • Patient Engagement: EHRs often include patient portals that empower individuals to access their own health information, leading to greater engagement and self-management.
  • Clinical Insights: EHRs enable data analysis, supporting medical research and providing insights into population health trends.
  • Cost Savings: EHR systems reduce administrative costs associated with paper-based records, storage, and manual data entry.
  • Regulatory Compliance: EHRs facilitate compliance with healthcare regulations and standards by ensuring data accuracy and privacy.
  • Quick Retrieval: Electronic records can be searched, sorted, and retrieved faster, enhancing medical staff’s ability to access critical information promptly.
  • Disaster Recovery: EHRs offer data backup and recovery options, safeguarding patient information from potential loss due to disasters or hardware failures.
  • Quality Reporting: EHRs simplify the process of generating quality reports required for accreditation, audits, and regulatory reporting.
  • Remote Monitoring: EHR systems can integrate with remote monitoring devices, allowing healthcare professionals to monitor patients’ health remotely.

Key Challenges and Issues with EHR System

While Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems offer numerous benefits, they also present certain challenges and issues that healthcare organizations need to address:

  • Interoperability: EHR systems from different vendors might not seamlessly communicate, hindering the exchange of patient data between various healthcare facilities and providers.
  • Data Privacy and Security: Safeguarding patient data is crucial, but EHR system development can be vulnerable to breaches, unauthorized access, and hacking, potentially compromising sensitive health information.
  • User Adoption: Transitioning from paper-based to electronic records can face resistance from staff who need to adapt to new technology and workflows, affecting user adoption rates.
  • Workflow Disruption: Implementing EHR systems can temporarily disrupt established workflows, leading to potential delays and inefficiencies during the adjustment period.
  • Data Entry and User Experience: Cumbersome data entry processes and complex user interfaces can lead to data inaccuracies and frustration among healthcare professionals.
  • Technical Challenges: Technical glitches, system downtime, and compatibility issues can disrupt access to patient information, affecting patient care.
  • Cost and Resources: EHR implementation requires significant financial investments, including software, hardware, training, and ongoing maintenance costs.
  • Regulatory Compliance: EHR systems must adhere to various healthcare regulations, standards, and privacy laws, which can be challenging to manage consistently.
  • User Training: Proper training is crucial for utilizing EHR systems effectively, and inadequate training can lead to errors, inefficiencies, and decreased user satisfaction.
  • Usability Concerns: If EHR systems are not designed with user experience in mind, healthcare professionals might struggle to navigate and use the software efficiently.
  • Data Overload: EHR systems can generate vast amounts of data, potentially overwhelming healthcare providers and obscuring critical information.
  • Patient Data Accuracy: Inaccurate or incomplete data entry can lead to errors in patient records, potentially affecting diagnoses, treatments, and care plans.

Ways through which EHR Improves Patient Care

Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems significantly enhance patient care through various ways:

  • Comprehensive Patient Information: EHRs consolidate a patient’s medical history, diagnoses, medications, allergies, and test results in one accessible record, empowering healthcare providers with a holistic view of the patient’s health status.
  • Real-Time Data Access: EHRs enable healthcare professionals to access up-to-date patient information promptly, leading to quicker diagnosis, treatment decisions, and interventions.
  • Coordination of Care: EHRs facilitate seamless communication among healthcare providers, specialists, and facilities, ensuring coordinated care and reducing the risk of duplicative or conflicting treatments.
  • Personalized Treatment Plans: EHRs support the creation of personalized treatment plans based on a patient’s history and specific needs, leading to more targeted and effective interventions.
  • Medication Safety: EHRs help prevent medication errors by providing accurate drug information, potential interactions, and allergies, leading to safer prescription practices.
  • Clinical Decision Support: EHRs offer tools that provide healthcare professionals with evidence-based guidelines and alerts, guiding them toward best practices and informed decisions.
  • Remote Monitoring: EHRs can integrate with remote monitoring devices to track patients’ vital signs and conditions remotely, enabling timely interventions and reducing hospitalizations.
  • Patient Engagement: EHRs often include patient portals that empower individuals to access their health records, lab results, and appointment schedules and communicate with their healthcare providers, promoting engagement and self-management.
  • Preventive Care: EHRs support reminders for preventive screenings, vaccinations, and follow-up appointments, ensuring patients receive timely care to prevent illness or complications.
  • Data-Driven Insights: EHRs analyze patient data to identify trends, patterns, and population health trends, enabling healthcare professionals to make informed decisions for improved patient outcomes.
  • Reduced Administrative Burden: EHRs automate administrative tasks such as appointment scheduling, billing, and claims processing, allowing healthcare providers to allocate more time to patient care.
  • Outcome Tracking: EHRs enable healthcare providers to track patient outcomes over time, allowing for continuous assessment of treatment effectiveness and adjustment as needed.
  • Evidence-Based Care: EHRs integrate clinical guidelines and research findings, promoting evidence-based care practices and improving overall treatment quality.

Security Measures Implemented in Custom EHR Solutions

Custom Electronic Health Record (EHR) solutions incorporate robust security measures to safeguard patient data and ensure compliance with healthcare regulations:

EHR Solution

  • Access Controls: Role-based access control limits data access to authorized personnel, preventing unauthorized users from viewing or modifying sensitive patient information.
  • Encryption: EHRs use encryption techniques to secure data both at rest and during transmission, ensuring that only authorized parties can decrypt and access the information.
  • Authentication: Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring multiple verification forms before granting access to the EHR system.
  • Audit Trails: Audit logs record all system activities, including user access, modifications, and data views. These logs aid in tracking any unauthorized or suspicious activities.
  • Data Integrity: Hashing algorithms ensure data integrity by generating unique hash values for each piece of information. Any changes to the data are detectable through hash comparison.
  • Firewalls: Network firewalls protect the EHR system from unauthorized external access, preventing cyber threats and unauthorized data breaches.
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention: Intrusion detection systems monitor network traffic and patterns for any unusual or unauthorized activities, triggering alerts and preventing potential breaches.
  • Regular Security Updates: EHR systems are regularly updated with the latest security patches and updates to address vulnerabilities and stay protected against emerging threats.
  • Data Backup and Recovery: Regular data backups ensure that patient information remains accessible even in case of hardware failures, disasters, or data breaches.
  • HIPAA Compliance: Custom EHR solutions adhere to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations, ensuring patient data privacy, security, and proper handling.
  • Secure Development Practices: Medical EHR software is developed using secure coding practices to prevent common vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and other coding-related risks.
  • User Training: Healthcare staff receive training on security best practices, data handling, and password management to reduce the risk of human errors that could compromise data security.
  • Vendor Security Assessment: EHR vendors undergo thorough security assessments to ensure their solutions meet industry security standards and requirements.
  • Data Access Monitoring: Real-time monitoring tracks who accesses patient data, when, and for what purpose, enabling timely detection of any unauthorized activities.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance After Implementing a Custom EHR Solution

After implementing a custom Electronic Health Record (EHR) solution, ongoing support and maintenance are crucial to ensure the system’s optimal performance, security, and continued alignment with healthcare needs. This encompasses:

  • Regular Updates: Timely updates are essential to incorporate new features, fix bugs, and address security vulnerabilities, ensuring the EHR system remains current and reliable.
  • Security Enhancements: Ongoing security assessments and improvements are essential to counter evolving cyber threats, safeguard patient data, and maintain compliance with healthcare regulations.
  • Technical Support: Immediate technical assistance is provided to address user queries, resolve issues, and ensure smooth EHR system operation for healthcare professionals.
  • Data Backups: Regular data backups prevent data loss due to hardware failures, system crashes, or other unforeseen events, ensuring the availability and integrity of patient information.
  • Performance Monitoring: Continuous system performance monitoring helps identify bottlenecks, slowdowns, or other issues, allowing for proactive interventions.
  • User Training and Education: Regular training sessions keep healthcare staff updated on system changes, features, and best practices, promoting efficient usage and reducing errors.
  • Interoperability Maintenance: As the healthcare landscape evolves, EHR systems must remain interoperable with other healthcare platforms and systems for seamless data exchange.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ongoing updates ensure that the EHR solution remains compliant with changing healthcare regulations and standards, mitigating compliance-related risks.
  • User Feedback Incorporation: Valuable feedback from healthcare professionals helps shape system improvements, enhancing usability and addressing specific user needs.
  • Scalability Planning: Healthcare organizations’ needs change over time. Ongoing support involves assessing scalability requirements and adjusting the EHR system accordingly.
  • Enhancement Implementation: As new functionalities and technologies emerge, ongoing support includes incorporating enhancements to meet evolving healthcare demands.
  • Disaster Recovery Planning: Continuously reviewing and updating disaster recovery plans ensures that the EHR system can be swiftly restored in case of unexpected events.
  • Vendor Communication: Effective communication with the EHR vendor helps address concerns, seek solutions, and receive guidance on optimizing system utilization.
  • Performance Analysis: Ongoing system usage patterns and performance data analysis help identify trends, plan for capacity needs, and optimize resource allocation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why should I choose ValueCoders for custom EHR development?

Ans. Choose ValueCoders for custom EHR development because we offer tailored solutions that enhance patient care, streamline workflows, ensure data security, and provide ongoing support for a seamless healthcare experience.

Q. How long does it typically take to develop a custom EHR solution?

Ans. The development timeline for a custom EHR solution varies based on complexity and features. Generally, it can range from several months to a year, with factors like customization, integrations, and testing influencing the duration.

Q. Can I choose specific EHR features to control development costs?

Ans. Yes, you can select specific EHR features to manage development costs. Our customization options allow you to prioritize essential functionalities and control the scope based on your budget and requirements.

Q. Is investing in custom EHR development more cost-effective long-term?

Ans. Investing in custom EHR development proves cost-effective long-term due to tailored features, optimized workflows, and reduced operational expenses, outweighing initial development costs.

Q. What custom features can be included in EHR development?

Ans. Custom EHR development offers a range of features, including personalized patient portals, advanced data analytics, telehealth integration, specialty-specific modules, voice recognition, and seamless interoperability.

What Our Clients Have to Say About Us

We are grateful for our clients’ trust in us, and we take great pride in delivering quality solutions that exceed their expectations. Here is what some of them have to say about us:

Working with ValueCoders has been a rewarding experience. Their software solutions are a perfect blend of innovation and functionality.

James Kelly

Co-founder, Miracle Choice

ValueCoders provided us with a robust and scalable software solution. Their team's proficiency is commendable.

Judith Mueller

Executive Director, Mueller Health Foundation

ValueCoders delivered a software solution that perfectly aligns with our business needs. They've been instrumental in our project's success.

Kris Bruynson

Director, Storloft

ValueCoders' commitment to delivering high-quality software solutions has made them our go-to partner for all our software needs.

Mohammed Mirza


Working with ValueCoders has been a rewarding experience. Their team's expertise is impressive.


Founder- sbspco.com

ValueCoders' innovative approach to software engineering has significantly improved our business operations.

Jame Thompson


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